Animal Acupressure

Acupressure Point,  Ki 27 location and use for horses, dogs, cats
Ki 27: A Powerful Acu-Point for Your Animals
Acupressure for Retained Placenta
Acupressure for Retained Placenta
acupoints to use to relieve fear in horses
Acupressure Can Balance A Horses' Fear Level
Location and use of LI 4 for horse, dogs, and cats
Amazing Animal Acupressure Points #2 - LI 4
acupressure points to use for canine incontinence
Incontinence & Acupressure
acupoints to use for Feline Kidney Disorders
Feline Kidney Disorders
Equine Bl 40 acupoint
Bl 40 Amazing Acupressure Point
Bronze - Vagus Nerve, Emotions & Mindful Practice
Vagus Nerve, Emotions & Mindful Practice
Location and benefits of GB 34 acupoint for dogs and horses
Amazing Acupressure Point #10: Gall Bladder 34
Canine Acupressure points to help with training issues
Spring Training and Canine Acupressure